News July 2019

The BBC's 'War on Plastic with Hugh and Anita' is a real call to arms and well worth catching up on iPlayer if you've missed it. They've highlighted the UK's broken recycling system which dumps mountains of 'recyclable' platic waste in Malaysia, and the disconnect between multinational companies' sustainability promises and their practices. The series has also included lots of suggestions for steps we can all take to reduce our consumption of single use plastic - taking our own containers to deli counters, making our own vinegar based bathroom cleaning liquid, and wiping wet-wipes off our shopping lists, are just some of the ideas.
During July STS members will be noting which Haltwhistle shops and takeaways offer alternatives to plastic and polystyrene point-of-sale packaging - do get in touch to let us know which of your favourite shops are joining the war on plastic.
We also plan to start signing cafes and other businesses up to the National Refill scheme as part of a coordinated 'Water Refill along the Wall' initiative.

Research into the practicality of extracting heat from water deep underground in abandoned mines is being led by Dr. Charlotte Adams at Durham University. The STS Energy group is keen to find out if this is a technology that could be employed by any of the new developments currently being considered for Haltwhistle. Charlotte has already kindly provided us with some advice and has offered to continue working with us.
The Ethical Consumer website,, lays out the choices across all aspects of daily living and allows you to use your cash to support sustainable practices whilst, in many cases, spending less.

Next meeting: Tues 23rd July at the Old Booking Hall, Haltwhistle Station.
7pm for plastics & 8pm for energy - you're welcome to attend for just one or for both projects.

Verge Walks
This is the sixth year of our verge walks and, as a result of our campaigning and surveying routine herbicide treatments along the length of the A69 have been suspended and Northumberland will be protecting two local verges to conserve the floral diversity.

This years walks:
Tues 16th July: Thorngrafton Common. 7pm - Meet at road/ lane junction at western end of Haresby Lonnen. Grid ref: 790661
Tues 13th August: Meet at Cawfields car park 7pm - Meet at car park; we are going to look at Markham. Grid ref: 714666
Please join us for one or both of these short walks (2miles there and back max) to survey wild flowers on or near road verges. Just turn up, no need to book. We'll be on paths and/or tarmac. We aim to finish by 9pm. Any queries, please get in touch with Lesley Silvera, 01434 607988.

Did you know there are now two trains an hour in both directions from Haltwhistle Station?
In the meantime the Campaign to Open Gilsland Station continues...

Get in touch
Any questions, comments or contributions to this monthly e-newsletter?
Please contact 016977 47359

South Tyne Sustainability aims to reduce the impact of the community of Haltwhistle and surrounding villages on our environment. This will help individuals, families and our community save money and resources and ensure a more sustainable future for us all.

To join STS contact Sue Seymour, 016977 47359