News May 2017
Apologies, the May newsletter just didn't get written so here's a quick update about imminent happenings.
STS will be at the Annual Plant Festival and Craft Fair in Haltwhistle Leisure Centre on Sat 20th May between 9.30am and 3.30pm. We will have a seed swap stall, details of this year's verge walks, and entry forms for our container growing competition. (These entry forms and competition details are also available from Jill at Kasteale). 15 specialist plant nurseries, and Haltwhistle Community Garden, will be at the festival with a fine selection of interesting plants for the keen gardener. There will also be a range of craft stalls and the renowned festival cafe with locally sourced food and fair trade drinks. This year the festival is supporting Newcastle's West End Refugee Centre. Admission £1.00.
We've three botanising verge walks led by Lesley Silvera planned this summer. The first will be on Tues June 6th. All welcome, no charge. Meet at Cawfields car park at 7pm. Full details in June newsletter. Any queries, please get in touch with Lesley Silvera, 01434 607988.
The Riches of Gilsland, Thursday, 1st June, 2017
A (free) day of exploration into Gilsland's rich history through the knowledge and recollections of Gilsland residents and the findings of academic historians. All welcome for all or any part of the day. 9.30am: Meet Gilsland Village Hall.
10am: Gilsland's Spa, the Popping Stone and Walter Scott at Gilsland Hall Hotel.
12.30pm (for lunch): Birdoswald, the Romans and After in the Village Hall. 5pm: Poetry of my country by Katrina Porteous, accompanied by Chris Ormston on the Northumbrian pipes in the Sampson Inn.
Morning coffee, lunch and afternoon tea included.
This collaborative project is presented by the Campaign to Open Gilsland Station & University of Lancaster.
Further information: Wendy Bond 016977 47448
South Tyne Sustainability aims to reduce the impact of the community of Haltwhistle and surrounding villages on our environment. This will help individuals, families and our community save money and resources and ensure a more sustainable future for us all.
To join STS contact Sue Seymour, 016977 47359
or visit the website at