News November 2015

South Tyne Sustainability's AGM is at
7.30pm, Weds 18th Nov, Kasteale café, Westgate, Haltwhistle.

Come along for informal discussions over coffee and cake if you'd like to get involved, have an idea for an activity or event for next year, or are simply interested in finding out more about STS.

Northumberland County Council is conducting an end-of-season review of all grounds maintenance, including road verges. This review is happening largely as a response to complaints about a lack of, or at least late, cutting of green spaces. It is important that we, who like to see biodiverse, wildflower-rich verges, let parish and county councilors know this now, whilst also stressing that we appreciate that road safety should never be compromised.
STS plans to arrange a public meeting with the Council, and a representative from A69 RoadLink once the review is completed, hopefully early in the New Year.

Eight Councils, with over 30,000 acres of road verges, have committed to follow Plantlife's verge management guidelines.
The charity is appealing for more individuals to sign their online petition and support wildflower, and pollinator friendly, management practices.

Climate Change
World leaders will be gathering in Paris in December for a Climate Change summit. Here's how you can take action to ensure they know what we want and just how crucial their decisions will be:

1. Ask Northumberland to stop funding Global Warming.
Write to your councilor requesting that Northumberland stop funding fossil fuels.
Across the country local government pension funds invest over £14 billion of workers' pensions in companies like Shell and BP. Northumberland has investments of £63 million, campaign for this money to be divested from industries contributing to global warming and reinvested in our future.

2. Join the Global People's Climate March
From 1.30pm Sunday, 29th Nov. Assemble in Princess Square, Newcastle.
Organised by ACT! North East Climate Action and local environmental groups this is our local event in a weekend of global action in advance of the December Climate Change talks in Paris. The march departs for Civic Centre at 2.00pm, for rally and (short!) speeches - and a display of communal optimism! Details:
For transport sharing please contact

3. Cycle to Paris!! - to join the demonstrations on 12th December.
There are a couple of bike rides planned from London to Paris. A five-day guided and supported ride setting off on Sun 6th December. And a three-day guide-yourself ride starting on Weds 9th December. Details:
If you are feeling even more intrepid a group of cyclists are riding from Edinburgh and welcome day riders to join them along the way, also non-riding support is required.

4. Watch 'This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate'
Cumbria Action for Sustainability and Sustainable Carlisle have organised a free screening of this film on Friday 27th November at 6.30pm at Learning Gateway, Fusehill St Campus. Place are limited - so please book, using the Eventbright link:

STS also hopes to organize a screening of 'This Changes Everything' before the November 29th Climate March, we'll let you know by email once the arrangements have been finalised.

The Poetry of Food with Linda France
Four workshops remaining, every Monday in November 5.30 - 7.15pm at Hexham Library with Poet in residence, Linda France. No need to sign up to all workshops, just come along when you've time.
Read and write poetry about food - where it comes from, how it's grown, cooking, pickling and preserving and, of course, eating. Every line designed to comfort and nourish, connect and inspire.
All welcome, non-poets, beginners, as well as more experienced writers. No charge - just bring pen, paper, reading glasses and a hearty appetite for trying something new to brighten the darkening evenings.
These workshops are part of a new project celebrating Transition Tynedale, Edible Hexham and the Community Garden. Also promoting the Northern Poetry Library, based at Morpeth, the second largest poetry collection in the UK.

Fruit on the Tyne
Saturday, 7 November 2015 09:30 to 16:00, Bede's World, Jarrow.

The WEA Green Branch presents 'Fruit on the Tyne', our Back to the Land IV conference, recognising the growing interest and benefits of community growing projects in the North East. This is a free conference with lunch provided for everyone involved in, or interested in, developing community fruit growing in the North East - Nortumberland, Newcastle, Noth Tyneside, Tyne and Wear and Gateshead. The aim is to learn from each other, create links and network, and look to the future for opportunities and improved sustainability. Everyone is welcome to attend all day or drop in. Registration and full program;

Dark Skies - Hadrian's Wall Community Champions event.
Wednesday 11th Nov 2015, 7.00pm-10.00pm, Meet at Steel Rigg NNPA Car Park NE47 7AN
On the night of the new moon, weather permitting, we will see a really dark sky with no moonshine and lots of stars. Be surprised at just how much you can see, hear, smell and feel once your senses become adapted to the dark. Join Richard Holmes on this 7km route passing through farmland, open moorland and woodland, and follow part of the Pennine Way as well as a classic section of Hadrian's Wall.
Contact to book a place.

Winter Wool Fair
An event for farmers, spinners, felters,
weavers and wearers of wool.

The North Pennines Wool Group is celebrating British wool with its sixth Winter Wool Fair from 10am-4pm on Saturday, 14th November in Trinity Church Hall, just off Beaumont Street, Hexham.

Energy Road Show - Thursday 3rd December, Haltwhistle Methodist Church Hall from 11a.m. - 3.30p.m with refreshments provided.

The road show will include information on energy saving tips, switching providers, grant availability and debt advice. Also information on renewables and carbon monoxide awareness. The format will be formal presentations followed by buffet lunch (soup and a sandwich). Drop in between 1.30 and 3.30pm (tea/coffee, biscuits and scones available) to see displays and chat to presenters and representatives from a range of organisations.

Support local traders and producers

Haltwhistle late night Shopping Friday 27th November

Greenhead Farmers' Market and Green Christmas Fair - from 10am Sunday Dec 13th
in the village hall and Greenhead Hotel.

South Tyne Sustainability aims to reduce the impact of the community of Haltwhistle and surrounding villages on our environment. This will help individuals, families and our community save money and resources and ensure a more sustainable future for us all.

To join STS contact Sue Seymour, 016977 47359